Time to Publication

Authors want their latest results reviewed and published in a timely manner. We closely monitor the time to publication for each journal to ensure authors' and readers' needs are served while maintaining high standards of quality.

Our time to publication statistics are based on the median days from submission completed to online publication. Our articles are published online in final form (with pagination and DOI) in the Issues in Progress web page for each journal. On each issue date, all articles mounted on the Issue in Progress will become fixed as the current issue and archived.

The Time to Publication statistics below represent median days for articles published in the January-December 2021 issues.

Journal 2023 Time to Publication (Median days)
Adv Opt Photon 194
Appl Optics 91
Biomed Opt Express 83
J Opt Commun Netw 153
J Opt Soc Am A 104
J Opt Soc Am B 101
Opt Express 77
Opt Lett 75
Opt Mater Express 76
Optica 127
Optica Quantum 112
Opt Continuum 71
Photon Res 135