Journal Article Production Workflow

  1. File Transfer. Staff provides the accepted manuscript and accompanying data to production vendor.
  2. Conversion/Copyedit/Composition. Production vendor copyedits* the manuscript, converts the manuscript to JATS XML (with math standardized as LaTeX markup), and composes PDF proofs. Composition of all Optica Publishing Group journals is currently done with LaTeX.
  3. Author Proofing. Author receives invitation through Prism system to review PDF proofs and provides changes or accepts the proofs outright.
  4. Corrections. Staff incorporates author changes and performs high-level check of paper.
  5. Close Proofs. After a clean, acceptable PDF has been compiled and all article metadata have been finalized, the proofs are closed in Prism.
  6. Publish. Paper is posted in final form to the Optica Publishing Group platform and is indexed by Google Scholar, Crossref (including funding data), Web of Science and others.

* Express journals do not receive copyediting services.