1 February 2014, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-44  
6 articles


Method for enhancing visibility of hazy images based on polarimetric imaging

Photon. Res. 2(1), 38-44 (2014)  View: HTML | PDF

Theoretical analysis of Bloch mode propagation in an integrated chain of gold nanowires

Photon. Res. 2(1), 24-30 (2014)  View: HTML | PDF

Volume integral method for investigation of plasmonic nanowaveguide structures and photonic crystals

Photon. Res. 2(1), 31-37 (2014)  View: HTML | PDF

Spotlight on Optics

Spectral properties of Au–ZnTe plasmonic nanorods

Photon. Res. 2(1), 10-14 (2014)  View: HTML | PDF